Saturday, July 6, 2019

Considering Functionality During Your Home Remodel

home improvement design stores

Some remodels are for aesthetic appeal, some are for functionality and there are some that serve both purposes. Any remodel, even the smallest one, causes at least a small amount of disruption in your household’s life, so whatever the goal of your remodel, you should consider starting with the projects that affect your home’s functionality, getting them finished as quickly as possible and moving on to purely cosmetic updates only when your building is functional. Here are some tips from Christopher's Kitchen and Bath remodeling experts for you:

  • Start with renovations that involve the major systems in your home and require you to get utilities turned off, such as the electrical wiring, the plumbing or the supply with natural gas. Start with the kitchen and the bathroom – these two rooms are usually the more difficult to renovate, but also the ones that add the most value to your home, once upgraded;
  • Decide whether you can or are willing to do any of the work on your own – that way, you can save money on labor and you expedite the remodel process;
  • Don’t cut corners – the compromises made in terms of quality are never worthwhile. Make sure you get the best materials that you can avoid and never put up with less than perfect installation – you don’t want to make the investment twice and you don’t want to endure the disruption related to remodels either.

First Posted over here: Considering Functionality During Your Home Remodel

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